Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Everyday cough cough cough~ I'm gonna die!!! Cough till my lung also come out ah >_< ish!!!! god bless me pls.... let me be a healthy girl ^^

Everyday play killer and police -_- a bit childish but fun l_< *killer* haha.... got our class t shirt NICE~ I love my baby tigger so cute : ) 

Everyday happy, sad, angry, boring aiyo what mood also come out la. This moment very happy but dunno why suddenly after few minutes feel sad -_- *speechless* 

Do you recognized that the first word in these 3 sentences are the same haha XD okok i know not funny at all. You no need to laugh :)

I bought my rabbit i-phone case haha XD glow in the dark leh~ love it so much!!!! but oh~ dunno why i choose green again -_- I memang love green hehe....

Happy that I didn't think bout you everyday :D You out of my heart ^_^

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



祝你愿望成真: )
